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We are proud to provide all this services to you; Hope we will satisfy all your needs.

Comptuter Training

We are comptuter trainers. With us, you will learn to use the following software:

  1. MS word
  2. MS Excel
  3. MS PowerPoint
  4. MS Access
  1. Macromedia dreamweaver
  2. Macromedia Fireworks
  3. Adobe PhotoShop

Comptuter Repairing

After we tough you to use your comptuter, we will also teach you how to repair it yourself.The training is like a workshop. while you learn you make a litle money by yourself, because you have a litle percentage on the comptuter you repair.

You are not simple a client for us.


Electronic Repairing

We repair a lot of electronic devices.

Among witch:

  1. CD, VCD, DVDs & MP3 players
  2. TVs of all kind
  3. VHS recorders

Phone repairing

We repair all kind of cell phones, you just name it.